
  1. GrandSenna

    Audio Application Capture only records game audio from objects from the left and right side of the screen, but not from the middle

    I've recently noticed a bug where if I were to record game audio using AAC (audio application capture) with an object producing sound ingame, I would only hear the sound coming from the left and right of my screen, but not in the middle of my screen when I review the footage. The audio ingame is...
  2. T

    OBS keeps crashing/freezing!

    Hello there, My OBS keeps crashing/freezing! Its been happening for a while and I dont really know why its doing it. Loved if someone helped me with this. The only thing is that I cant get crash reports, Anyone know why? Love if you helped!
  3. P

    Encoder Crashing (GPU passed all benchmarks)

    Some months ago i started having issues where the stream would crash after a random amount of time post 1st hour. (mostly around 2 hours p much) I managed to fix this by going cmd and making sure windows would repair (after like 5 days of testing different shit) the only thing left to do is do...
  4. markjay

    Lots of issues with RTMP sources on Windows 11

    I run my own nginx server for folks to stream to which I then pull into my OBS and then stream to my twitch. Things worked great for me for quite a while and then they did not. I have since figured out that probably my update to Windows 11 is the cause (I wasn't streaming regularly around the...
  5. W

    My OBS freezes frequently when playing League of Legends

    It happens whenever the client switches back and fourth from the actual game to the regular client. I try to wait around for a crash report but it stays frozen until I task manager and forcibly close it. I used to have no issues until the past few months where I end up having to restart OBS...