windows 11 24h2

  1. S

    Issues with Windows 24H2

    Hi all, Just wondering if anyone else is having issues with OBS and 24H2? OBS was working fine until Microsoft forced the 24h2 update on me and now I have recording issues as well as the Preview window freezing. Sometimes when the freezing occurs, the recording is not effected, but sometimes...
  2. yahia.B

    Grayed full-screen display capturing !

    I have a really bothering issue about capturing my full-screen display. it just becomes gray when start to capturing it (like image bellow). This issue happening only when choose "Automatic" or "DXGI Desktop duplication" options in the display capturing properties. When choose the last option...
  3. mici1708

    High CPU usage in windows 11 24h2

    OBS since I updated the PC to windows 11 24h2 is using too much CPU than normal. BEFORE: 0.1/0.2% AFTER: 0.9/2.5% Logs and my settings