whole pc lags

  1. vlav

    pc micro stuttering/full on lagging while obs is on

    Title says it pretty much, when I turn on obs my pc starts freezing, not sure how it works as it seems to just be the output to my monitor. When I have my game open, I still have 300+fps in game so it looks smooth on my 144hz monitor, but when i turn on obs (without recording anything, just...
  2. T

    OBS lags my pc when open at random

    https://obsproject.com/logs/UiCUMBu71HyCA4T2 My entire pc will lag sometimes when obs is open and not focused on. It stops lagging if it is minimized or in behind another window. Sometimes it will lag even when the window is focused. It happens even when im not recording or live. I have deleted...
  3. L

    OBS Making The Whole PC and Game Lag

    Hello, I couldn't find a thread so I created one. I'm not a computer expert, but I know a lot about them, same goes with the software. My PC Is a beast, and when I want to stream a game or record it, I always get Stutters or lag spikes. Example: GTA runs in 180 FPS, when I fire up OBS, it goes...