video format issue

  1. IssacI69

    OBS not tone mapping properly

    hey, so I have an Elgato HD60 X connected to my monitor and the HDR is on my PS5, in the settings. But when I bring it into OBS it's all weird and saturated. I'm trying to tone map it in OBS but when I try to change the "Video Format" on the video capture device, there's only "NV12" instead of...
  2. 1L1dan

    Incorrect colors in OBS output AverMedia Live Gamer 4K

    I have a 2 PC setup and use AverMedia Live Gamer 4K capture card to duplicate screen image from my gaming PC and everything was fine, but today something changed(and I didn't touch anything in OBS or anywhere else, so I'm confused) and the colors on stream seems to display incorrect. What...
  3. L

    No option for Format Video (virtual camera)

    Hello, Ive recently had to do a window reset and sadly seems Ive forgot to save my past scenes from OBS. So Im redoing everything and sadly Im having an issue : Im a Vtuber using VTS (vtubestudio) and Im using to stream my avatar a virtual camera (allowed from the...