ubuntu 21.10

  1. Glitch Artist

    AMD HW Encoder not present in Flatpack OBS

    Are there any flatpack plugins out there that will let me use my RX7800XT as the hardware encoding device? Software encoding kinda blows, and I can't use the PPA version since it crashes with a segfault (problem listed here https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/segmentation-fault.171763/). I...
  2. Glitch Artist

    Segmentation Fault

    Hi; I am using Linux Mint 21.2 Kernel 5.15.0-91. I recently built a new pc (sysinfo pasted below) and trying to run OBS crashes reading <Segmentation fault> whether booting normally or in safe mode. I have tried uninstalling <libva-vdpau-driver>, but I didn't have it installed to begin with...
  3. TheSIruss

    obs doesn't see my monitor (?)

    This is a very strange bug, obs seems to see my monitor, but does not want to display it. Perhaps the screenshots will explain everything.