
  1. G

    Question / Help Extreme suffering when recording?

    Hello! Recently, I've gotten into Beat Saber, and been wanting record my gameplay for a few weeks. However, even with a top-of-the-line Razer Blade 15 (8750H, RTX 2080), my frame rate suffers immensely, to the point of the game being actually unplayable. I have tried setting h.264 encoding to...
  2. K

    Question / Help Frames missed due to rendering lag. i9 9900k RTX2080 NVENC

    Streaming to mixer. Idk what to do, I feel like my hardware should be able to handle this. The task manager snapshot is a sort of bad example, cpu usually sits around 30%-60% its hard to get a screenshot of that during gameplay. Not just during Apex. Ive tried lowering "Preset" and even using...
  3. F

    Question / Help OBS Stream randomly stops. NVENC EncodePicture failed!: generic error (20)

    Hi all, Developed an issue since upgrading to a RTX2080 a couple of days ago. Did a full DDU driver uninstall/install before the upgrade from a GTX1070 to the RTX2080. With V22.0.2 the issue was almost exactly 1hour, With V23 RC2 it lasted 3hours last night. 01:36:16.343: error...