
  1. U

    Media Sources abnormal output w/ Windows 11

    Ever since the move to Windows 11, ALL my media sources (alert boxes, follows, shout outs, sound effects, and video effects) act abnormal at random times. Sometimes it sounds normal and other times the following happens: audio lags audio pops (like if a game was lagging but it isn't) audio...
  2. S

    Crackling/Popping sound every hours ( since I installed Wave Link )

    Hello, I have had a sound problem since December 2023: When I stream, my audio crackles every hour on my stream, then stops after a few minutes. I don't hear it personally but you can hear it on my stream I was capturing audio with win-capture-audio, which is a plugin to capture each source...
  3. Sturmlocke

    Audio crackling / popping on Linux + OBS + Steam Proton (gameplay rec for YT)

    Hello, I've been struggeling with this issue for a couple of months now. So far I have been removing the audio crackle / popping post recording to the best of my current ability, but since this is a super time consuming workaround, I am now seeking help from ya'll because I have ran out of...
  4. M

    Audio crackling while streaming

    I'm running into a crackling audio issue when I'm streaming audio from my Focusrite 4i4. When I'm recording or monitoring the audio while not streaming in OBS, everything sounds clean and fine but as soon as I go live and start streaming it introduces a crackling noise. Stopping the stream...
  5. C

    Dumb audio question. Help appreciated :)

    Hey guys! Quick and to the point: -- https://youtu.be/uRUOaI-Ca4Y link to a shortened unlisted video with the issue. -- The log file is attached below. I can do the basics with audio.... any issue that pops up, I won't have a resolution for. So, apologies for a potentially dumb question...
  6. D


    Hello, I’m a DJ/streamer on Twitch and I am getting these nasty static pops/clicks when streaming. I use a Focusrite Scarlette 2i2 audio interface; however, the pops and clicks have continued even after unplugging the audio interface midstream. I don’t hear these pops and clicks through my...
  7. P

    Pops and Clicks at Random Moments

    Hello! I've been having a consistent issue that occurs ONLY when I'm streaming. Unfortunately my mic audio pops and stutters randomly throughout my stream. I thought it would happen when I was opening and closing new windows or doing assorted PC tasks, however it occurs at very random times and...
  8. NickA

    Question / Help OBS with Elgato recording PS3 - getting audio cracking/popping in game audio

    Recording PS3 through a HDMI splitter (because HDCP) going into monitor and Elgato HD 60s with OBS. Have two OBS windows open. One recording facecam and the other recording gameplay- that's the one getting popping / crackling in the audio. It's pretty bad log for gameplay window...
  9. V

    Question / Help Weird Popping Noise at Random Occurences

    Hello everyone, I've been experiencing a very weird issue that I cannot seem to pinpoint the source, and worse yet it happens randomly. I get this weird tick/clip/popping noise every now and then for like a split second and I cannot seem to resolve it. I've reinstalled my audio drivers...
  10. M

    Question / Help Crazy Buzz/Robot Voice During Stream

    Hi all, New(ish) livestreamer here. I stream my live music performances via my UAD Apollo Twin > Pro Tools (DAW) > Soundflower > OBS > YouTube. Randomly throughout my livestream, the audio being outputted to the stream starts glitching out. It sounds like a terrible buzzing over any audio that...
  11. Sparktite

    Question / Help Hey guys having a weird audio issue, any ideas why? (FIXED)

    EDIT: Go check my last post on this thread for my solution if ur having the same issues. TLDR: When im running obs i get a lot of audio issues where popping, crackling, and audio leaks start happening, why would OBS be doing this? Hey guys so ive been trying to figure out this audio issue for a...
  12. BillyBob125

    Question / Help OBS Popping/Crackeling during recording

    Can I please get some help? Before I start I wanna say YES, I am on the latest version of OBS. So I'm using an EasyCAP (a cheap capture card) to record some footage, it records the visuals fine for the most part but for some reason it makes crackling noises when it's recording, especially when...