obs-studio logs

  1. m8809

    obs-virtualcam running error

    OBS运行正常,但是当我运行obs-virtualcam插件时,程序报告错误并退出。 我同时使用两个版本: OBS-Studio-31.0.1 和 obs-virtualcam-2.1.2, OBS-Studio-27.2.4 和 obs-virtualcam-2.0.5. 这个链接是具体的错误日志:https://obsproject.com/logs/zSR48EM9PDCeHXn0 请帮我解决这个问题
  2. KrishnaChaitanya

    Unable to capture csgo using gamecapture in obs

    Hello All, I have been using obs for some time to record and stream. While i was able to previously capture csgo using obs, now i am unable to do it. I tried using the latest obs version as well as 24.0.3 as well according to one of the youtuber but it still didnt work. Could anyone please...