obs echo

  1. W

    [Windows 11/PC] My mic picks up Desktop/Browser audio, causing echo in recordings/streams! How to fix this?

    Problem: Whenever I record something in OBS, typically my streams or a browser with some game show/talk show, my audio input aka my mic picks up the desktop/audio output as well (BOTH the Audio Input + Audio Output meters/bars are moving), causing the show i am recording to echo (yes, i swap...
  2. ddflink

    How to record Zoom participation without echo??

    I am using OBS for zoom presentations with student participation. The desktop audio is on, so I can record the student participation (and periodically share audio from my PPT videos). The Zoom mic is the Cable Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable). The problem is, when students ask questions they hear...
  3. L

    Question / Help OBS ECO

    Hey, When i'm trying to stream it's just echoing forever. I have no idea why it's doing it and im trying everything. I have a hyperx 7.1 headset. I've followed guides on yt how to setup obs and looked for over 2 hours on the internet of help for the problem but nothing is helping. Please help.