obs 60fps

  1. T

    Obs won't stop recording and I have to end task obs to get it to stop

    Every so often when I use OBS to record it would have a problem where it wouldn't stop recording when I press the stop record button. I don't know if I have a wrong setting on or something. The log of the problem will be attached to this thread and if anyone has any help as to why this problem...
  2. F

    OBS cannot keep up the 60FPS

    Whenever I try and attempt to record, I always see it struggle as if its on an idle after not seeing anything on-screen. It only goes to 60 whenever It sees something happen. my specs if you need it for further info: Intel HD Graphics 530 Intel Core i5-6500 3.20Mhz 16GB RAM 1TB of an SSD (i...