
  1. K

    Question / Help OBS disconnects randomly, then reconnects 15s later. Is this on my end? (Logs provided)

    Hello! I stream on Mixer and sometimes my stream will randomly go offline and come right back on about 15s later with no discernible triggers. (OBS shows a disconnected/reconnecting notification in Windows) When this happens, I lose any hosts I might have, it splits my VODs in half and makes a...
  2. M

    Question / Help Mixer - FTL No encoder

    Hi, There is an issue in Linux OBS 22.0.2 where using any encoder NVNEC or h.264 fails, the error is immediately presented as you hit start stream. I have attached the error screenshot of the error and here are the logs. If I alter the stream type to Mixer - RTMP the stream works with no...

    Question / Help Mixer FTL, Lowest latency settings??

    Hey, I'm wondering if anyone has an idea or has a working FTL setup for OBS. So far my setup works fine, I can go to 1080p60fps no problem, but I want to cut down the stream delay. I've tried different resolutions, bitrates, and even encoders so now I'm officially stuck. The best I've gotten it...