enhanced broadcasting

  1. shmoogleosukami

    Add support for CPU encoders with enhanced broadcasting.

    I did some search foo and googling and couldn't find anything specific on the matter so I'll ask here. Can we have support for using CPU encoders with twitch enhanced broadcasting. I'm exclusively a user of CPU encoding for many reasons and currently I'm excluded from using this feature since...
  2. X

    Twitch Enhanced Broadcasting CPU

    Моя видеокарта RX 570 не поддерживает Twitch Enhanced Broadcasting, но когда я переключаю кодировщик на CPU (x264), он все равно выдает ту же ошибку, что и при использовании кодировщика видеокарты, говорящую о том, что GPU не поддерживается, хотя я использую CPU для кодирования.
  3. X

    I can't enable Enhanced Broadcasting on amd rx570

    I can't connect Enhanced Broadcasting when broadcasting to Twitch. Amd rx 570 sapphire nitro video card, when Enhanced Broadcasting is disabled, the broadcast starts, but freezes terribly, please help. I'm not good at this. When starting the broadcast it gives two errors, I will attach screenshots.
  4. V

    Random bitrate dips during stream. Caused by Enhanced Broadcasting?

    Hey there! Twice in the past week, I've had my stream bitrate suddenly drop for a minute or two, long enough for the Twitch broadcast to drop out entirely, while my internet was in perfect health. In this last stream, it happened twice. I have a feeling it might be associated with Enhanced...
  5. DominicCoca

    Multi-platform streaming and recording with the best quality possible

    Hi, I have this PC configuration and I am looking forward to advice on how to set up my OBS so I can get the best quality possible. At the same time, I want to stream on Twitch, Youtube, and TikTok simultaneously while also recording so I can post the video and edit it so I can make content for...
  6. T

    OBS 30.2.0-beta4 Twitch Enhanced Broadcasting - No Twitch VoD Track?

    Hello everyone, I just installed this Beta to test Enhanced Broadcasting but recognized that no matter what I configure my Live and VoD Audio Track stays the same. Currently both share Track 2. I do not know why its defaulted on Track 2 nor why I dont have ANY seperate Track for VoDs. Is that...