
  1. Y

    OBS 25.0.1 MPEG-TS SRT output on Record disconnects randomly- how to restart? And any setting tips?

    Hi Everyone, I'm experimenting with OBS to send an MPEG TS stream for satelite MUX. My Settings: THE MAIN PROBLEM: So, OBS will randomly disconnect and not reconnect automatically. Is there a way to make it reconnect? I really need some help to figure that out. NEXT: I need some tips for the...
  2. J

    Flicker in Preview Window and Stream

    Hello All, I recently acquired a graphics card / monitor setup that is good enough to be able to run 240 frames in my games. So a 240hz monitor and 240fps in game Problem is, when I run Call of Duty Modern Warfare and I allow the FPS to go over 60 there is a bad 'flicker' in the preview...