
  1. B

    help, to configure my obs is the best way, without pixelation, constant bitrate, very HD and Very Fluid

    Hello, can someone please provide me with some obs settings for streaming, I have 2 pc I want the stream to be seen both HD, as well as the past broadcasts in case I want to download the live stream. I want some settings that are not pixelated and obviously that they go well with performance...
  2. Sgt_Logix

    AVC encoder bitrate only 0kbps or 1kbps

    Hi there guys, I tried to change the bitrate, but I just can't seem to make it switch. The only two options that it lets me do, is either 1 or 0. I can't really figure out why does this problem occurs, but I hope that I'm not the only one having this problem! Does someone face this issue too? I...
  3. Sgt_Logix

    Can't change bitrate in advanced encoder settings while using AVC encoder!

    Hi there guys, Today, I bought myself some new upgrades for my pc (sweet!), but when I try to change the bitrate, I just can't seem to make it switch. The only two options that it lets me do, is either 1 or 0. I can't really figure out why does this problem occurs, but I hope that I'm not the...
  4. E


    My dedicated streaming rig: i5 3570k, 2 x msi 660 sli 16Gb DDR3 OBS running in SSD ---------------------------------------- Internet speed: Upload: 990mbps download: 900mbps ---------------------------------------- Capture Card: Elgato HD 60S ----------------------------------------- I just...
  5. D

    Question / Help After 30 min of stream my bitrate drop from 8000 to 100

    Hi Guys, Could you help me with my issue, so I have Macbook 2019 core i7(9750xx) 16 RAM Radeon Pro 555X 4 ГБ Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 МБ SSD 256 the issue is - when I do steram my bitrate drops from 8000 to 115 , its can happened after 30 min or 15 min (not regular, but every stream) I use...
  6. K

    Question / Help Stream Bitrate is randomly dropping since a week

    Since a week i cant really stream that well after about 1 hour but when i restart my stream there is like no bitrate in my obs, and sometimes OBS shows red light but i am having 4000 kbps. Here is a screenshot of a Twitch Bandwith Test (Yes this took me long Lmao, and i kicked all server with 0...
  7. R

    Question / Help Dropping frames/unstable bitrate

    Even when I'm not streaming a game, my frames are constantly dropping and my bitrate is not stable. I've tried restarting, changing encoder, and even messed with the bitrate. Any ideas? Thank you in advance!
  8. F

    Question / Help Bitrate cut in half

    I've been streaming for roughly a year now and this just started happening. I would start streaming with 6,000kb/s and it would automatically stabilize with 3,000kb/s. (Keep in mind I get 50 upload from my ISP) I thought this might have been my ISP having issues but i've been running tests and...
  9. camcam

    Question / Help OBS Dropping frames

    My game freezes on the websites end and says im dropping frames i think im encoding too high cause my encode said to turn down. Please Help. Thank You, TexasGuy / GamerGuy Settings Res: 180 X 720 FPS: 30 Video Bit: 1500 Audio Bit: 96
  10. T

    Question / Help Nvenc stuck on 3k bitrate??

    Hello guys, im streaming since two month with Nvenc on 1600x900p 60fps with an bitrate of 6k. Since yesterday stuck my bitrate with Nvenc on 3k bitrate but when i change the encoding to x264 it run fine with 6k bitrate... My Log: Previous Log...
  11. E

    Question / Help Stream runs perfect for hours, then bitrate spikes

    Basically my stream will run fine for hours, then suddenly my bitrate starts spiking and becomes unstable. My game works perfectly fine and i notice no fps drops or connection lag, my upload speed is around 60 mbps. Unfortunately it happened during a fortnite streaming event where i would have...
  12. M

    Question / Help No Upload Speed with D-Lan

    Hello, i've got a weird problem. when i use my D-Lan Adapter (Devolo 500+) directly i have a bitrate from 0 to 200 max. when i use my WLAN Router who is also connected to the D-Lan Adapter i have an 4500-5000 Bitrate. Can somebody tell me what happens there? I really don`t wanna stream on...
  13. S

    Question / Help bitrate

    i need help my upload speed is 4 upload and im wondering what bit rate do i use and what fps should i use ? and i have a ryzen 1600x and my gpu is geforce gtx 760 plzz help
  14. G

    Question / Help low bit-rate when i stream with high specs

    I have an i5-7400 3.0Ghz 8 GB of ram GTX 1080 8GB Resolution: 1920x1080 high-speed internet but I cant stream league of legends my bit-rate falls to almost 0 and sometimes 200 kbps even on low and I almost tried everything I know I played with all the settings and couldn't find a way so...
  15. N

    Question / Help Bitrate Problem

    So I've had this problem with my streaming for the past couple of months, So I use to stream at around 2500 Bitrate with 0 problem at all, but all of a sudden OBS can only run it smooth at 500 bitrate. Can someone help?