audio routing

  1. Ye Olde Curmudgeon

    Issue with audio routing

    Hello there and friendly greetings! First of all, please forgive my lack of knowledge and proper lingo, it's not much time that I've started to use OBS. I am not using any third party software like VoiceMeter or similar, I just installed the Monitor plugin from Exeldro. I am also using...
  2. louitoscccp

    Route OBS audio to other app

    Hello, here's my problem. I would like to send the audio from OBS to another application (in this case, Discord). After some research, I found the Blackhole software where, on their Github, they indicate that to route audio from one app to another, you simply need to select the ‘Blackhole’...
  3. H

    Newbie Audio Question - Media Output.

    Just a quick question here. I use OBS to for Live Zoom Meetings and Training over Zoom. I love setting up scenes and pushing out through Virtual Camera. But is there a way to set a default audio output so that "Monitor and Output" is selected by default? Sometime in the middle of meeting I...
  4. P

    Will NDI plugin reroute my music over the Twitch VOD audio channel?

    Hello, I tried to make my title as precise as I could, but I am better off explaining it here. So I recently discovered the NDI plugin, and I have tried it on my last two streams. I seems to be working perfectly except one thing.. On my gaming PC I have managed to route my copyrighted music...
  5. Y

    Free Route your System Audio and monitor the stream (gc 1.0.2)

    GroundControl is a virtual audio driver for Mac OS X with control room monitoring options. The audio drivers allow applications to pass audio to other applications in 3 configurations (2 channels, 16 channels, or 64 channels). You can monitor the driver’s output through your computer’s...
  6. P

    External capture devices get forgotten and not reconnected

    I have a mobile OBS system for my Church Broadcast and when I plug everything back in again at a new venue, the old settings appear to come up in all the settings dialogs but many of the inputs or outputs don't work. For instance, I have a Camlink 4k video capture dongle and yesterday the scene...