3090 ti

  1. I

    i9 12900k, RTX 3090ti, and video at 60 fps still blurry. I'm going crazy.

    Hi, i would ask if someone could suggest me the right settings to get full quality video recordings at 2560:1080. I have an i9 12900k and a Nvidia RTX 3090ti. I tried from many many many tutorials everywhere, but my videos are still blurry and laggy. Best settings i found is with CBR at...
  2. W

    Can't record with my native resolution using the "Quality" preset

    This works perfectly fine, super smooth recording. (Quality Preset) Output (Scaled) Resolution set to "3840x1440" https://obsproject.com/logs/GaVRih-lhfwH4j2T However, if I change the Output (Scaled) Resolution and set to "3840x2160" (My native monitor resolution). (Quality Preset) I get 67.4%...
  3. W

    Yet another "Encoding overloaded" with a 3090 Ti

    I have a 4k monitor and it's currently set to 144Hz. I tried recording my desktop, nothing else and I get "Encoding overloaded" even though there is no movement. I'm running a 3090 Ti and a Ryzen 7 3700x and I didn't even have this issue with my 2080 Ti before restoring my PC. The card runs...