xObsBrowserAutoRefresh - Timed automatic browser source refreshing

xObsBrowserAutoRefresh - Timed automatic browser source refreshing v1.1

Supported Bit Versions
  1. 64-bit
Source Code URL
Minimum OBS Studio Version
Supported Platforms
  1. Windows
  2. Linux


OBS plugin providing a filter for automatically refreshing a browser source in a configurable interval.


  • OBS 29+ 64 bit
  • Windows
    • tested only on Windows 10, but Windows 11 should also work
  • Linux
    • occasionally tested, but not regularly
    • binary build created on Ubuntu 20.04 WSL environment, therefore linked against glibc 2.31



Before installing make sure that OBS is not running.

For portable mode simply extract the .7z file into the root directory of the portable folder structure. For regular OBS installations see the operating system specific instructions below.

For automatic installation just run the provided installer, then restart OBS.

For manual installation extract the downloaded .7z file (= copy the contained obs-plugins and data folders) into the OBS Studio installation directory. The default location for this is
C:\Program Files\obs-studio
This needs admin permissions.

The folder structure in the downloaded .7z file is prepared so that you can extract the file (= copy the contained files) into your user home and on many systems this will just work already.

However, depending on the distribution and OBS installation method (manual, distro repo, snap, flatpak...) the location of this folder can vary, so if it doesn't work from the user home you might have to look around a bit.

Example locations for the plugin .so (and .so.dbg) file are:
~/.config/obs-studio/plugins/ (The structure the .7z is prepared for)

Unfortunately the expected location of the locale, which can be found in the data folder, can vary also.
If you get missing locale errors from the plugin you can try to copy the "locale" folder found inside the data folder to:
/usr/share/obs/obs-plugins/<plugin name>/locale
~/.local/share/flatpak/app/com.obsproject.Studio/x86_64/stable/active/files/share/obs/obs-plugins/<plugin name>/locale
/var/lib/flatpak/app/com.obsproject.Studio/x86_64/stable/active/files/share/obs/obs-plugins/<plugin name>/locale

If in doubt, please check where other "en-US.ini" files are located on your system.

The steps to update an older version of the plugin to a newer version are the same, except that during file extraction you need to confirm overwriting existing files in addition.


After installation open the filter settings for a browser source and add the "Browser Auto-refresh" filter, then configure the refresh interval to your liking. Find more detailed instructions on how to use the filter in this post.


Note that the filter will be active and browser refreshes will be triggered even if the eye icon next to the filter is disabled. Only when the browser source it was added to is hidden the filter will no longer trigger auto-refreshes on it.


  • Q: Why is the plugin file so big compared to other plugins for the little bit it does, will this cause issues?
    A: Unlike other plugins it's not written directly in C++ but in C# using .NET 7 and NativeAOT (for more details read on in the section for developers). This produces some overhead in the actual plugin file, however, the code that matters for functionality of this plugin should be just as efficient and fast as code directly written in C++ so there's no reason to worry about performance on your system.

  • Q: Will there be a 32 bit version of this plugin?
    A: No. Feel free to try and compile it for x86 targets yourself, last time I checked it wasn't fully supported in NativeAOT.

  • Q: What happens if I accidentally add this filter to a source that is not a browser source?
    A: Don't worry, nothing will explode. The plugin doesn't explicitly check for the source it's added to to be a browser source, but it searches for refresh button of the plugin and "clicks on it". If it doesn't find that button with the internal ID "refreshnocache" it will simply not do the refresh and instead write an error message about this to the OBS log. It was made that way so that the plugin would also work on modified/similar browser sources as long as they provide a button with internal "refreshnocache" ID.

For developers​


OBS Classic still had a CLR Host Plugin, but with OBS Studio writing plugins in C# wasn't possible anymore. This has changed as of recently.
The catch about this plugin is that at its day of release (January 12, 2023) to my knowledge it's the first OBS Studio plugin ever written in C# that has some real-world use. The very first without real-world use was this example plugin demonstrating the basic concept of writing an OBS Studio plugin using .NET 7 and NativeAOT.

Source code is available, I hope it can be a starting point for other C# developers who also want to look into OBS plugin programming using .NET 7 and NativeAOT.


Many thanks to kostya9 for laying the groundwork of C# OBS Studio plugin creation, without him this plugin (and hopefully many more C# plugins following in the future) wouldn't exist. Read about his ventures into this area in his blog posts here and here.
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More resources from YorVeX

Latest updates

  1. Version 1.1

    bb20d05: Fix refreshes when only shown through projector … Full Changelog: v1.0...v1.1
  2. Version 1.0

    Update to latest NetObsBindings library version Added Windows installer Plugin is the same as...
  3. Version 0.4

    a6018d3: Fixed #2 (refreshing not starting directly after filter add) 412fc19: Settings changes...

Latest reviews

Very important if using many browsers and some audio sources.
Would be useful to add background and transition effects during refreshing.
Works awesome. Thankyou, YorVex, you CHAMPION!
Nice, thanks, I'm using it with a weather widget
Thanks for the review, glad it's helpful to someone!