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OBS Lua Upstream X 1.0.0-rc

upstream X

  • output
use for targeting when the timer/event should run (default is stream)
  • uptime source
the source where the timer will be displayed. You can have multiple sources.
  • event time (optional)
the time for when an event should occur (Hh:Mm:ss)
where (Hh) is for hours, (Mm) is for minutes and (ss) for seconds
(Hh:Mm:ss) is required if you want to work with events. e.g (00:10:00 ten minutes)
using exclamation
(!) after the time will make it so the event executes only one time.
if the exclamation is opt-out then the event will event every time it has reached the timer it was given e.g(00:10:00 ten minutes) *every ten minutes*

  • event source (optional)
the source target of the event when timer has reached.
if you are using (video source) it would play the video if it reached the time specified
otherwise, it will hide/show the source when the time has reached.
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Last update
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  1. upstreamX 1.0.0-RC VERSION UPDATE

    Output (Dynamic) this option allows the user to have a user-controlled time when...