Fix revision:
Doesn't need to update any stuff in your StreamLabs.
- Fixes sizes of emotes.
- Fix and enhanced loading time of emotes.
- Now, we use StreamElements for all requests from API.
- Fixed 7tv (SevenTV) bug that doesn't take count of emotes.
- Fixes FFZ bug that doesn't take count of emotes.
- Now Twitch animated emotes are available (Fix image).
If you don't see the fixed details, use in command chat "!ce reload" or update your OBS Web Source cache.
If you have any problems, please contact me by e-mail:
/////////////////////// English ////////////////////////////
We moved to StreamElements due to problems with the current website hosting.
Now, you can create a Stream Elements overlay with the widget (manually, due to not share permission).
Guide are now available on the website and new website.
/////////////////////// Spanish ////////////////////////////
Nos hemos movido a StreamElements debido a problemas con el alojamiento del sitio web actual.
Ahora, puede crear el widget a través de un overlay de StreamElements (manualmente).
La guía ya está disponible en la página web y en el nuevo sitio web (AHORA VERSION EN ESPAÑOL).
* Fixed bug: The counter goes crazy when using the "!ce test" command with decrement counter animation activated.
* Optimized code with more efficient alternatives. Widget now loads 1.5% faster.
For the update to take effect, use the "!ce reload" command in the chat while in OBS (to update the config as well).
Fixed a bug that shows "Error caching your widget, try more later." when creating a new combo without streamer preset style.
> Optimized widget load.
> Fixed bug that bring double combo on the window.
> Added option "Anim Counter Decrease": Now, when the emote combo is ending, the counter will decrease to 0 with an animation (before use animation out).
> Modified option "Text Stroke", added white and black stroke.
> Added new display style that shows emote name (BETA):
> Added two more styles of fonts.
> Added option "Streamer Preset", this give you a preset of famous streamers (Contact me if you want bring your favorite streamer combo emote preset).
Current Streamers Presets:
- Rubius
- xQcOW
> Now, you can choose a streamer style preset when you create a new combo widget:
To take effect update's, use in chat command "!ce reload" while you are in OBS (For update config too).
> Fixed FFZ emotes added from BTTV: Emotes don't load
> Fixed bug with twitch emotes: Random combo emote appear with twitch emote without starting in correctly counter.
> Added option "Dynamic Emotes": Now you can allow to get external emotes and take count of it in combo emotes (When a new emote is detected, gets cached).
(Default: Enabled).
> Added option "Counter Algorithm" with two options:
(Default: Traditional).
- Traditional Mode: Counts all emotes used in real time, if one emote reach emotes needed to start, then start a combo emote.
Example: If your "Emotes needed to start" config is 5, your viewers need to use any emote 5 times (Order don't matters).- Strict Mode: Counts how many times a single emote gets used, if other emote is putted the counter reset with new single emote.
Example: If your "Emotes needed to start" config is 5, your viewers need to use 5 continuous times the same emote to start (if emote is among themselves, counter get reset to 1 with new emote) (Order matters).
To take effect update's, use in chat command "!ce reload" while you are in OBS (For update config too).
> Added support for SevenTV (7TV) - Check
> "SevenTV" is default disabled, enabled to show in your combo emotes widget.
To take effect update's, use in chat command "!ce reload" while you are in OBS (Same for update config).
Provider emotes API of ( has been temporarily outdated.
> Added temporal fix to get global and subscription channel emotes.
> Fixed incomplete global emote list
To take effect update's, use in chat command "!ce reload" while you are in OBS (Same for update config).
We experienced website down problem, already fixed now, we apologize for this temporary problems.
> Fixed problem related with animation "Anim During ", now worked properly.
> Fixed problem related with chat commands (Widget don't detect !ce commands).
> Added "Sync Anim During Counter - IMG"
To take effect update's, use in chat command "!ce reload" while you are in OBS (Same for update config).