Paywall for beta/alpha builds, not even for a final version.
you can ignore the copied + pasted response the dev has been giving to everybody. this is a paywall plain and simple. claiming its not a paywall because you can build from source (even though multiple people have said that doesn't even work) is absurd.

I can't think of anyone less deserving of your money than Xaymar.
Working versions hidden behind paywalls with public release versions being years out of date

"The pre-built binaries for pre-releases are only available to Supporters, as voted on by Supporters. You always have the option to build from source." Is a load of bullshit. Not everyone is a developer to have the experience to know how to do this
Open Source does not equal Free.
!!HUGE WARNING!! - Version compatible with OBS v29 got suddenly paywalled. I'm the lucky one to get 0.12b164 installer before it got put behind a paywall, but from what I see others aren't so lucky. The only available "stable" free release is compatible with OBS v27 only and WILL NOT WORK with v28 or v29.

If you want to paywall pre-production releases, first make sure your stable release is also useable. I understand hiding bleeding-edge features behind a paywall, however I don't understand hiding the only useable version in this way. With this move you did you hurt YOUR OWN PROJECT in the process. People will just go to another plugin and get mad at you, as they do right now.

And no, I don't care about "building it from sources" because not everyone is a developer and not everyone has to learn how to use the tools.
The pre-built binaries for pre-releases are only available to Supporters, as voted on by Supporters. You always have the option to build from source.
The pre-built binaries for pre-releases are only available to Supporters, as voted on by Supporters. You always have the option to build from source.
Current plug in version is dated for 2019. You're always covering your face with "only for supporters, only for supporters". Maybe it's finally time to release it publicly as well, as you deem that Patreon support is optional? As it currently is, this plugin is not working, hence the rating.
The pre-built binaries for pre-releases are only available to Supporters, as voted on by Supporters. You always have the option to build from source.
Last official release (v11.1) is outdated for OBS v28 and v29. Updated from v27 after it broke for me due to age, and was horrified to find out just a day ago that the alpha/beta versions for v29 are paywalled.
The pre-built binaries for pre-releases are only available to Supporters, as voted on by Supporters. You always have the option to build from source.
I understand that the project deserves support and pre-release versions are for supporters now, but it's still pretty obnoxious and somewhat scummy that a release that had ALREADY been released publicly got put behind a paywall.
Only pre-built binaries for pre-releases, which cost money to create, were made Supporter only. You always gave the option of building from source
Dont Work for me on OBS 29.0.0
I don't know anything about GitHub and I don't know how to download version 0.12.0a134.
I found 0.12.0a134 works perfect with OBS 29... I'm sticking with this version :)
First of all thanks to open source workers for their selfless dedication, I registered and posted this comment just to tell people who are as confused as me: If you download the latest version (0.12.0b164) and obs 29 doesn't work, try 0.12.0a106
首先感谢开源工作者的无私奉献,我注册并发表此评论只是为了告诉和我一样困惑的人:如果你下载了最新版本(0.12.0b164)并且obs 29不起作用,请尝试 0.12.0a106
Works only in 29 beta 3, but not in full release OBS 29
Works with OBS 29.0.0 beta3 (Windows 11) Thanks a lot!
Doesn't work with OBS 12.1.2 with no sign of it even being installed
The system requirements are listed on the release notes.
Good when it works with latest version of OBS. Not working on Win 11 - OBS version 28.1.2
v0.12 will target OBS Studio 29 due to necessary fixes in that version. There will be no stable version targeting 28.x, only 27.x and 29.x+.
Incredible plug in for OBS. Even if all you use this for is better NVENC control, that's worth it alone, but is also only the tip of the iceberg here and just one of the many things this can accomplish. Be aware that some of the features added here require a bit more to significantly more PC resources to run smoothly, and that this is a very powerful suite of tools in general.
hey all.. working with M1 Mac, many of the built in filters aren't working,, scroll, rainbow effect and a few others
Shader examples are not guaranteed to work on all platforms, as they are examples to learn and extend from.
Works on Mac M1 Pro OBS 28.0.3!
When will it work on OBS 28.0.3?
When it is done.
no working obs 28.0.3