Source Clone

Source Clone 0.1.5

Der Source Cloner ist nicht nur ein praktischer Ersatz für das mühsame Erstellen und Einbinden von Szenen, nur um eine einzige Quelle mit verschiedenen Effekten, Masken oder Zuschnitten zu versehen – er geht noch einen Schritt weiter! Dank des mega praktischen Frame Bufferings wird unnötiges Rendern vermieden. Denn warum sollte OBS eine komplette Szene neu berechnen, nur weil du eine kleine Ecke ausschneiden und woanders platzieren willst? Genau das löst der Frame Buffer clever. Und als wäre das nicht schon stark genug, kannst du mit den Skalierungsoptionen noch mehr Performance rausholen. Ein absolutes Must-Have für OBS-Poweruser!
Top 5 personal favorite plugins. Thanks, Exeldro! <3
Works fantastically!!
cannot live without this.
I don't even know why this is not a default feature... Works like a charm
Excellent plugin! Thank you Exeldro for making our work on OBS easier :)
This is a game changer. Thank you. I was having to enter a scene without a camera and then go to the other scene with one or the camera would stop working before.
Keep up the great work! Thank you!
Exeldro always saving the day :)
Works great! A fantastic alternative to (now paywalled) StreamFX Source Mirror. Thank you so much!
This is amazing! It's just too bad it doesn't assimilate the old StreamFX source mirrors XD I'm going to have to swap them out by hand, but I say its worth it.
this plugin is very good I love your creativity exeldro
I love everything that Exeldro does, His plugins are extremely useful. In addition, he takes the extra time to put them in a .dmg file for Mac so it is easily installable by the user. It's hard to install other software by other developers who have great ideas when you're not a programmer and you don't really know how to install it! 5 stars for sure! Source copy is only one of the amazing plugins he has created. THANK YOU Exeldro!
Brutality... wow.... what I was looking for me... for sure we will send a coffee cup...
excellent - thatt is all what I (you) can say about the great work. OBS would be not the same without your absolut helpful plugins
Really powerful plugin, he did it again! Thanks!
Great job, thanks for supporting everyone that have been waiting for this plug-in....

Thank you
Does exactly what it says on the tin! Can't wait to see what additions you add in the future. Keep it up <3