Source Clone

Source Clone 0.1.5

First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 25 ratings

More resources from Exeldro

  • Move
    Moves sources and setting values
  • Replay Source
    Replay Source
    instant (slow motion) replay sources from memory
  • Markdown Source
    Markdown Source
    Add markdown to your OBS
  • Source Dock
    Source Dock
    Plugin for OBS Studio to add a dock for a source
  • Source Copy
    Source Copy
    Copy and paste scenes, sources and filters on clipboard

Latest updates

  1. Version 0.1.5

    Add no filter option for not async sources Add same clones information in properties Fix duplicating
  2. Version 0.1.4

    Fix clone for not async source with filters
  3. Version 0.1.3

    add option to clone current or previous scene

Latest reviews

Works fantastically!!
cannot live without this.
I don't even know why this is not a default feature... Works like a charm
Excellent plugin! Thank you Exeldro for making our work on OBS easier :)
This is a game changer. Thank you. I was having to enter a scene without a camera and then go to the other scene with one or the camera would stop working before.
Keep up the great work! Thank you!
Exeldro always saving the day :)
Works great! A fantastic alternative to (now paywalled) StreamFX Source Mirror. Thank you so much!
This is amazing! It's just too bad it doesn't assimilate the old StreamFX source mirrors XD I'm going to have to swap them out by hand, but I say its worth it.
this plugin is very good I love your creativity exeldro