SogeBot - Twitch Bot

Free SogeBot - Twitch Bot 14.14.1

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Free Twitch Bot built on Node.js

Important links

If you found an issue with a bot, feel free to create issue at You can also contact me on my email or get support on our discord server.

AliasDon't like default commands? Make an alias!
ChecklistPre-stream customizable checklist
KeywordsBot will respond on certain keywords
Points / LoyaltyPoints system for your users
PriceMake viewers to spend points on e.g. !songrequest
RanksCreate ranks for your viewers
LevelsCreate levels for your viewers
ScrimScrim system to play againts your viewers in Fortnite etc.
Custom commandsCreate custom commands, call custom APIs, set custom variables
TimersPost a response every x seconds, x messages
QueueDo you lost track of viewers who wants to play with you? Use !queue and be fair!
RafflesCreate raffles for you giveaways!
YoutubeSongrequest and multiple playlist support for YouTube with trimming of videos and auto volume normalization
SpotifySongrequest for Spotify Premium Users
CooldownsStop spamming of commands with cooldowns!
PermissionsSet your custom permissions for your commands! (owner, mods, regular, viewer)
ModerationAutomoderate links, colors, symbols, forbidden words and more!
TwitchBe able to change your game and title from webpanel and much more! !uptime, !lastseen, etc.
Webpanel and StatsBot is tracking your twitch stats and bot webpanel is user friendly and full of features!
Many widgets for your dashboard: customizable soundboard (/public/dist/soundboard/), follower list, twitch monitor, bets, songs and more
Be able to set your !title and !game from dashboard and save them for further use! Use custom variables in titles
OverlayUse various overlays in your OBS or XSplit
PhillipsHueBlink your lights on follower or any other event
EventsOn numerous events run commands, send messages, do whatever!
Chat Gamesbets, heists, duels, wheel of fortune
IntegrationsStreamlabs,, Twitter
Gambling!seppuku, !roulette commands
Duel!duel - bet your points, only one can win
Wheel Of Fortune!wof
EmotesShow chat message emotes in your stream!
StatsShow viewers, follower, uptime
ImageCarouselSimple image fadeIn/fadeOut carousel
AlertsShow images, play audio/video
ClipsShow clips created through events as replays
CreditsEnd credits like in a movie
TextShow text and variables ($ytSong etc.)
EventlistShow last events
Wheel Of FortuneShow wheel of fortune spin
BetsShow current bet
GoalsShow your goals!
List of languages available at



See LICENSE file

Special thanks
Special thanks goes to team behing tmi.js (you can check it on and twitch-js ( They did really awesome job.

Support Donate
If you want to support me, you can click a PayPal link above or you can contribute and we can create something great!
First release
Last update
4.60 star(s) 5 ratings

Latest updates

  1. 14.14.1 release

    Fixes and features from 14.6.0 Bug Fixes alert - alert media should be nullable (#4953), Fixes...
  2. SOGEBOT 14.6.0

    Bug Fixes docs - update incorrect links to docs (0becc876) eventsub - change socket namespace...
  3. SOGEBOT 14.5.2

    14.5.2 Bug Fixes createClip - add missing clip check save to db (b6692aa9) twitch - send...

Latest reviews

Have used this daily and love it and well Soge is cool
Can I use it for youtube please?
No, this bot is currently Twitch only, but YouTube support is planned to be added. But no date.
free, many features, quick support
Its a good bot for Twitch, free and with many features! And i hope many to come. Good work guys.
Great bot with great developer. Nice stats feature and more coming.