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Free S-TnT - A simple timer and more 3.0

(S-TnT stands for Standby-Text and Timer.)

I am aware that software like Snaz already exist but I wanted to make my own simple but powerfull timer. So I did and it turned out to work really great.

So I thought: "Why not release it to the public?". And here we are.

The other part of S-TnT is the kind of Text editor (Still not really sure what to call it). This one is almost useless since all it does is just add text to one of your OBS scenes but the reason I created this was so you can easily change the text of one of your scenes without your viewers seeing you switch to that scene and left click, press properties and then change the text.

Instructions on how to use S-TnT are included.

I appreciate any feedback and hopefully be able to fix some bugs if there are any.


S-TnT Screenshot 1.png

S-TnT Screenshot 2.png

S-TnT Screenshot 3.png
First release
Last update
4.50 star(s) 2 ratings

Latest reviews

Good portable programm! But if will be function that delete hours from timer it would be excellent
I use it for the countup feature of the timer. Worked better for me then snaz did only down side is no hot key to start the timer.