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Q&A About Dual PC Stream Audio Setup

I've had quite a few people asking me about Dual PC stream audio, more specifically in regards to using mixers such as the q802, q1202, or using the same microphone on both pcs without hearing yourself echo. I responded to a private message, and felt it would be nice to share this info with other people.

**First, the microphone**
What kind of microphone do I have? How do I use it on both computers without echoing?

Lets say you have this new shiny microphone, but you want to use it on both computers. You also don't want to hear yourself echo (so it will not be run through the mixer). Here are your options:

blue yeti OR AT2020 PLUS (usb +3.5mm):
1x cord

if you have a yeti, you can plug it in to the streaming pc, use it as a mic source, and plug a 3.5mm cord into the bottom of it, then run that cord to your gaming pc - this will allow you to use the yeti for both your gaming and streaming pc without hearing yourself

traditional XLR mic (AT2020):
1x cord


you plug the xlr cable from the microphone into the focusrite, you then plug focusrite USB cord into the streaming pc, then plug a 3.5mm cord from the focusrite headphone jack to the gaming pc

Cheaper alternative:


plug the splitter into your mic, connect each split part to a blue icicle, run each icicle to each pc

USB Headset or USB microphone (AT2020 USB or any USB headset):
1x cord

1x audio&pebp=1421944739088&peasin=B001MSS6CS

Plug the adapter into a usb slot. Plug your headset into another usb slot. Plug 3.5mm cord from green audio out on USB Adapter to Red microphone in on gaming pic.

On the streaming pc, in the bottom left corner of the screen, right-click the sound icon->recording devices. Right click your USB microphone, then click properties. Click the tab that says "Listen". Check the box that says "Listen to this device.". Select your new adapter from the drop down menu.

--Note: if you can't get a USB soundcard adapter like the one listed above, a second sound card for your streaming computer will also work.

traditional 3.5mm desktop microphone or 3.5mm headset:
2x cord

1x splitter

plug microphone into adapter, plug both cords into adapter, run each cord to each pc's microphone-in/mic-in/line-in (usually red for mic, blue for line in, sometimes the same jack can handle both)


**Second, the audio mixer configuration**

I've been told I need a mixer, what option(s) should I go with?

Behringer Xenyx Q802 USB:

alternatively if you want more audio channels:
Behringer Xenyx Q1202 USB:

With this mixer, it will also give you a USB audio output device on the streaming pc. Select this as the default output device, so that your streaming PC audio will go through it.

I already have a mixer, but it is not a USB mixer, how do I connect it to my streaming pc?

If you do NOT have a USB mixer, you can hook your traditional mixer up using one of these, or quite possibly just use this if you dont want to buy a mixer and just need 1 single channel extra input, although I can't confirm it's quality/use:

Alright, my mixer is picked out, are there any other cables or adapters I will need?

Note: these accessories are specific for 1/4 inch plugs on the Q802, if you need plugs or adapters for a different jack type (such as 3.5mm or RCA), change them accordingly.

1x®-Quality-Theater-Audio-Cable/dp/B00I0HPK4G/ref=sr_1_5?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1420901376&sr=1-5&keywords=rca cable

1x to rca


1x - you only need 1 but they come in a 5 pack to 1/4

3x (total of 6 individual adapters, they come in pairs)

OK, I have everything I need for my mixer, how do I set this thing up?



**Things to avoid**

I have static/crackling/a low buzz in my audio, how do I get rid of it?

-Don't run pc audio directly to the mixer without a hum eliminator

The hum eliminator pictured above, as well as many others, are designed to remove what's called a ground loop.

In an electrical system, a ground loop is an unwanted current in a conductor connecting two points that are supposed to be at the same potential, often ground, but are actually at different potentials.

Ground loops are a major cause of noise, hum, and interference in audio, video, and computer systems. They can also create an electric shock hazard, since ostensibly "grounded" parts of the equipment, which are often accessible to users, are not at ground potential."

If you remove the ground loop, you remove the buzz.

-Don't run a line directly from a pc's audio out to another pc's audio in UNLESS it's a microphone.

A bit more on this:
The whole point of a mixer is to have multiple channels with CLEAR sound without any ground noise or interference. On-board audio out tends to have bad cracking/popping/static noise when hooked directly to another audio in, hence the need for a hum eliminator. The reason the microphone is an exception is that it usually is not used as a consistent sound source (ie only used for push to talk or voice activation), and most voice programs have noise eliminating features. If you are using the microphone as the stream microphone, it should be hooked up directly through the streaming pc, then echo'd to an audio out interface, with a line running from that interface to the mic-in/line-in on the second pc you wish to use. This will allow the streaming pc to have a clear microphone (since it will be consistently used/on in the stream), and any noise/static will go to the second computer using it.


-Yes, audio can be expensive
-Yes, you will probably have cords everywhere
-Yes, it will sound great.
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Very nice and comprehensive list, I am going to try splitting the yeti to both PCs tonight
I also went the mixer + stand alone stream rig route, this guide is awesome. I bought the QX1002USB, awesome piece of tech.
This should help a lot of people getting into the Dual-PC streaming world.

It did help me a lot as I was completely new to mixers and audio things.

Thank you for taking the time to put this together.