• Fixed authentication issues
  • Previously, chat users were not correctly identified as Subscribers, VIPs, or Moderators. Now, each user will be accurately assigned their respective role.
  • When the number of messages exceeded the set maximum too quickly, messages were not being deleted. Now, older messages are removed more reliably.
  • The floating animation in Chat.html is not functioning because of compatibility issues with Chromium v103 in OBS.
  • Changed the API for better support for newer features. The new API needs authentication, so if your data.js file has no oAuth code set up, you'll get a prompt. If you want to change the authenticated account, click on ‘Remove oAuth token’ in the top right corner. Then, log in to your correct Twitch account before generating a new token.
  • Changed the font-weight input from a "number" to a "slider", so that it's more obvious how thick the font will be.
  • Opening the Designer now opens the Streamer-List setting automatically, so that people know where to start.
  • Added info panels to the settings! Now you'll get little explainations if you don't know what some features actually do.
  • Reintroducing: Badges! Twitch changed the endpoint to receive the data for chat-badges a while ago. The new endpoint needs authentication with Twitch, so badges finally work again!

2.8.1 - Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the sizing options for backgrounds and masks didn't load properly when (re)loading or selecting a preset.
  • Fixed an issue where masks show color options when (re)loading or selecting a preset.
  • Fixed an issue where masks for the message element didnt work when (re)loading or selecting a preset.

2.8 - Presets

  • Added Presets to this tool. Currently there are three different designs with three different styles each. There will be more in the future! (I'm still discovering different styles myself ^^' )
  • Added Hyphenation to this tool. You can now enable that if words get too long and cause overflow issues they now break into a new line. Because every language has different words, of course, you should also choose the language that your chat will mainly use. You'll find this option in the "Others" category.
  • Moved the buttons of the background settings a little bit so that their positions make much more sense.
  • Fixed issues where you couldn't change the design in different roles properly.
  • Fixed issues where some buttons remained active by mistake after switching through roles.
  • Badges still don't work. This is because the API source I was using is still offline for about a month now. I will consider to change the source where I get the badges from but I can't promise that custom channel badges (like the subscriber badget) will work.

2.7 - Layout (beta)

  • Added a new Layout Setting to Chatbox. Now you can change if the username and the message are on top of each other or next to each other. You can also choose which of both comes first and last.
  • If you choose one of the "row" options, you can also choose how the spacing between both elements should be handled. Should there be space between these elements, do you want the username to take the available free space or should the message take it?
  • Username & Message > Sizing & Spacing - Added the ability to define the height of both elements if you choose a "row" option in Chatbox > Layout. Keep in mind that depending on which layout you chose some options won't effect the appearance anymore (because for example if you chose a "row" option in Chatbox > Layout, you can't position Username & Message horizontally anymore).
  • Moved the settings menu right next to the selection menu so that it's much easier to reach the options while navigating through the menu.
  • Changed some icons in Sizing & Spacing so that it's now clear which option positions the elements horizontally or vertically
  • Fixed a bug where activating masks in different roles activated the role setting for backgrounds instead

The Layout option is not completely finished yet. However, all the options that are available can be used and do work. I plan to improve this feature in the future with a few more options and better ease of use. Stay tuned :)

2.6 - Masks

  • Added a mask setting to Chatbox, Username and Message. Masks work similar to backgrounds with the gradient and the sizing settings. You can layer multiple masks above each other to add areas that should be visible.
  • Added naming to backgrounds (and masks) so you can manage them much easier.

2.5.1 - Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where after using a color preset the value of the opacity didn't change
  • Fixed an issue where after duplicating a background for the message section the settings didn't show properly anymore
  • Fixed an issue where after duplicating a background the color input didn't work immediately afterwards.

2.5 - Copy settings

  • Added the ability to copy settings over to others of the same type
    (chatbox-background -> username-background)
    (chatbox-shadow in user mode -> chatbox-shadow in sub mode)
  • Opacity-sliders now always show their values. (This should make it much easier to give multiple elements the same opacity value)
  • Fixed an issue where the duplicate buttons in the background-settings don't appear after you open the tool when you already created a new data.js file

2.4.1 - Duplicate background settings

  • Added the ability to duplicate backgrounds in the background settings
  • Improved the UI for the background settings
  • Adding new backgrounds will place them as the top most layer
  • Fixed an issue where the data.js didn't save correctly

2.4 - Positioning and sizing for backgrounds

  • Added the posibility to change the size and position of backgrounds
  • Changed the UI of the background settings a little bit so that it's easier to see, which background is selected currently
With this feature, you can now place different backgrounds next to each other, instead of only overlap them. This offers you much more designing options and I hope you'll have fun with it ^^

2.3.2 - Bug Fixes with loading Designer

  • Fixed several issues where shadow and background settings weren't loading properly in the designer after you already saved a new data.js file.

2.3.1 - 12h system for Text-Content settings

  • Added new 12h options for the Text-Content settings. These include:
    • {h12} - hour the message got sent in 12h
    • {hh12} - 2-digit hour the message got sent in 12h
    • {apm} - shows AM or PM depending on when the message got sent

With this update I want people from countries with the 12h time format to be able to actually use it. I hope you have fun with it :D

2.3 - Important bug fix + additional options

  • Fixed a bug where this tool weren't working anymore if the url "badges.twitch.tv" is not accessible.
  • New animation: New messages push older messages away to appear
  • New option: In the "Animation In/Out" settings is a new option to define the animation curve (for this go to the external link with the button, set up a curve and copy the cubic-bezier over)
  • The background settings have new buttons to hide the current selected color as well as to show and hide the gradient-settings

With this update I fixed a bug which caused the whole tool not to work anymore if the url "badges.twitch.tv" is not available, which led the tool useless. Now if the url is not available, only the badges won't work. Additionally I added new animation settings to make the chat look much smoother. :D

2.2 - First release on this forum
