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Free Animated Lower Thirds with Dockable Control Panel v.1.6

Very great tool and I hope you will improve for Unicode characters in the next version. Thank you!
I was also able to get this working on my M1 Mac mini. Had a minor glich when trying to choose a custom color. Hotkeys are not working. Overall I'm a happy camper.
Hi I just installed it on a MAC! It's working with OBS v27 RC2 on High Sierra. When I saw that amongst updates is custom browser docks i was hopping its gonna work and it did. At first i was getting an error but after repeating all instalation steps and restarting OBS dock with a control panel appeared and its working as it should. :-)
This is a great tool, and the developer obviously put in a lot of work to perfect it, and although it does work, there are a couple of shortcomings. First, there is no way to stretch it out across the entire width of the lower third of the screen, like most conventional lower thirds. If I try, it increases the overall size of the lower third itself. I don't really care for the blocky style and would like a way to customize it so it can go nearly edge to edge like on a typcal news program or documentary.
Second, and this is a real big one, there doesn't seem to be a way to assign each lower third or its memory slots to its own scene independently without displaying the other lower thirds as well. In other words, If I have Lower Third 1 assigned to a scene and Lower Third 2 assigned to a different scene, there is no apparent way to display just one of them without the other showing up with it, unless I first turn the one I don't want in the scene off before switching to that scene. For instance, if Scene 1 uses a Lower Third "Bob" and Scene 2 uses Lower Third "Mary" and I want to switch from Scene 1 to Scene 2, I first have to disable LT1 "Bob" and enable LT2 "Mary" before switching to Scene 2, or else "Bob" will also show up on Scene 2 along with "Mary". This is very cumbersome and doesn't make a lot of sense. It is also quite dumb from the perspective of a broadcast switcher. If there is a way to do this, I have no idea, because the documentation is all but non existent and I've had to figure most of this stuff out either through my own experimentation or by watching YouTube videos from others who had to do the same. If not for these two items, I would give it 5 stars and donate $$, but unfortunately it's not quite there yet.
This is wonderful, half an hour to set it right but with the short keys.. its awesome1 Many thanks NoeAL
Great! Fantástico.
Makes our live productions more professional and beauty.
Awesome tool!
Its great and have been using for a long time.

But all of sudden it stopped working the panel shows blue but nothing shows in preview or program tab. This is with rest of the layer disabled. Is their a log that I can read and report or alternatively any dependecies that am missing.
It’s a masterpiece!
Is there a possibility for an update that it would be possible to see the saved names instead of the number? An option for example that I can click and it will show the names line by line under eachother and I can choose from that list whom 3rd to use?
Love this plugin! The animations are clean and highly customizable.
Fantastic tool, love the functionality the timer options, the option to create up to 10 variations of each of the 4 lower thirds.
Fantastic tool but limited in terms of number of different Thirds. 10 or even 20 would be awesome, and have default Thirds (or seperate ones) depending on which Scene Collection you are in... That would be the cherry on top of a delicious cake though... still awesome :-)
Simple to use, great for someone who wants easy and basic lower thirds. Flexible and user friendly. Developer is quick to respond and update.
Very Good but, how to update ?
Fantastic! Works flawlessly for me. Great work. I'm looking forward to what's to come. Thanks so much for all your work.
Fantastic job!
Great efforts with simple integration of HTML and CSS. Hats off to the developer and beautiful minds behind this wonderful project.
5 stars for the effort and when it actually does work.. only 4 given as when it does not work as expected, you have to restart OBS in order to clear memory slots or make a LT actually work.. no good during a live stream..
ou my god! it is very good! 非常好
It works marvelously, but every time I open the control panel dock, my CPU usage goes crazy high