Render Delay Filter Causing Glitch when Switching to Source

Hi all,

For various reasons, I have my various screen (not game capture) sources set to render delay using filter of 300ms render delay.
When I switch to any of my screen sources, there is a visible glitch or flicker.
The sources are in nested scenes.
I am recording Digital audio and video, so the delay has to be there so that the screen is in sync with the DAW audio.

I tried using the "Windows" display method, (I am on Win 11) and it is less "glitchy" when I switch to the scene that contains the sources but what happens is for the first 300ms the display shows the "old" image until the render delay "catches up".

I tried searching for this and found a few posts that explain why it happens, and since I am working with Digital Audio and Video, I do understand it. So, I don't think it can be considered a "bug" as such.

I was wondering if anyone had found a solution to this?

Thanks in advance.