Razer Ripsaw randomly freezing in OBS


New Member
Hello everyone,

So since a few weeks I'm experiencing random video capture card freezes. This started around the time i got my cam (razer kiyo pro).
Both of them are USB 3 Plugged directly into my mainboard. Have read a lot of things on the web already and made sure both of devices are plugged into different usb hubs on the board since there was a few people saying they fixed their issue by doing that and the devices basically flooded the usb beforehand.
My board has USB 3.2 Ports, so the speed shouldnt be the issue.
So the freezes occur sometimes after 2,3 mins, sometimes its 7 or 8 and sometimes ive had it run up to 30 mins before it froze. Also it does that if im streaming, recording or even if im doing nothing. Here's a shot clip of what happens (0:08).
Interestingly enough the capture card audio keeps on working, its just the video that freezes. Also my cam keeps forking fine.
If i restart OBS it usually either doesnt work at all (blackscreen) or works but freezes soon again (rarely, have to test more). If i replug the capture card it just doesnt work at all (blackscreen). Usually to fix this i have to reboot my PC AND replug the ripsaw and then stuff's usually going fine. This is literally driving me nuts.
One interesting thing to add tho. I suspect that this issue mostly occurs if i do change my display settings to only use one monitor before starting OBS, then it works for a while and it freezes. Unfortunately i havent paid enough attention yet if it did work sometime after i did change my display settings but i will test.
I attached my OBS logs from the last day it happened. The first log was the one where it froze. The other ones we're trying to reboot obs and trying to reboot it with also replugging the ripsaw (bot just blackscreen, only audio showing). Last one was after reboot working for 3 hours straight.

Hopefully (or not) somebody else has faced this issue and solved it. Thanks for you help!

Best Regards


  • logs.zip
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Active Member
Please note that USB bus bandwidth is based on the Host Controller the devices are connected to, not the Hub.
Additionally, even if your system is USB 3.2, USB as a standard does not allow transit between levels (ASMedia sells a patented chip just to do this, and wants upward of $100 per-chip, protected by patent law).
To make this worse, many "USB 3.0" devices only actually use USB 2.0 signaling (as the standard is much simpler). So you can easily end up in a situation where you still have USB Bus Bandwidth choke due to bandwidth limits, even though logically you shouldn't.

As these are both Razer devices, I'd recommend reaching out to Razer support for assistance with their hardware.


New Member
Please note that USB bus bandwidth is based on the Host Controller the devices are connected to, not the Hub.
Additionally, even if your system is USB 3.2, USB as a standard does not allow transit between levels (ASMedia sells a patented chip just to do this, and wants upward of $100 per-chip, protected by patent law).
To make this worse, many "USB 3.0" devices only actually use USB 2.0 signaling (as the standard is much simpler). So you can easily end up in a situation where you still have USB Bus Bandwidth choke due to bandwidth limits, even though logically you shouldn't.

As these are both Razer devices, I'd recommend reaching out to Razer support for assistance with their hardware.
Thanks for your response.
I see, thanks for that information. Not that deep into USB signaling.
I've already opened a ticket at razer as well. Since this seems to be a software issue i thought it might just be a good idea to open a thread here as well since some people had similar issues. Also the cam works just fine. Just the capture card is trolling a bit.


New Member
So if anyone stumbles accross this issue... Razer support couldnt really help me/hasn't given me any helpful answer in the past 6? weeks...
I ended up figuring out what caused the issue (for me) in the first place:

So my setup was set to canvas + output in 1080p but only for the stream encoder i did set it to downscale to 720p. For recordings is still wanted to have 1080p.

After i disabled this, my issue is gone for 99% now. I did have it one or two times since but i think that was due to something else i did.
If i just set my output in the "Video" settings to 720p when it works just fine. But welp, could've been worse.
Not sure what caused it. I monitored my GPU/Encoder with Task Manager and it wasn't capping out...

Maybe this will help somebody in the future.
