OBS disconnects 2 minutes after changing scene

Over the past few weeks OBS has started intermittently disconnecting from Facebook 2 mins after switching scenes. An overview of what happens is as follows:
  1. Start stream
  2. Switch scene (note, this does not happen every time and occurs with different scenes)
  3. 2 mins later OBS disconnects from Facebook
  4. OBS tries auto reconnecting (up to 20 time) but is unable to reconnect
  5. Facebook is still waiting for OBS to reconnect
  6. I manually stop OBS from streaming by clicking "Stop Streaming"
  7. I try to manually restart streaming by clicking "Start Streaming" but nothing happens
  8. I try to click the button a few more times but still nothing happens
  9. I restart OBS Studio
  10. Click "Start Streaming" and it reconnects to Facebook
I have tried the following:
  • Checked internet connection - I have no internet connection issues (and reliable connection)
  • I have optimised MPU by following online instructions
  • I have removed all large media files from the stream
  • Decreasing audio bitrate from 128 to 96
  • Decreased stream bitrate
  • Increased stream bitrate
  • I am connected by direct cable to the router
  • Drivers are all up-to-date
  • OBS is up-to-date
  • Windows is up-to-date
I use groups and scenes within scenes. I can seen that there is a current bug relating to these but not sure if this is what is causing my problem yet :

[BUG] OBS duplicates scenes and corrupts scene collections when using groups

I currently have 3 log files for this (last 3 streams attached).


  • 2020-09-16 19-23-27.txt
    138.7 KB · Views: 36
  • 2020-09-21 19-21-54.txt
    122.4 KB · Views: 25
  • 2020-09-23 19-13-51.txt
    124.5 KB · Views: 26


I use a lot of grouping and scenes layered in scenes 2 and 3 levels deep and haven't had issues. What I have had issues with (even in the latest beta bits) is the OBS Browse source. I had so many crashes with I used it that I have eliminated it from all of my scene collections (and I have a lot of collections.) The Browse would crash OBS without leaving me crash files (this is in Windows, but its kind of like a kill -9 would be in *nix.) It would introduce freezes and stutters in my stream, etc. It never closed my stream down, but I see that you have a lot of Browse messages in your log. Is there a way you could use some alternative to the Browse?


Active Member
20:04:12.200: User switched to scene 'Ending'
20:04:14.378: [obs-websocket] GetTransitionData: duration is negative !
20:04:14.483: [obs-websocket] GetTransitionData: duration is negative !
20:04:14.526: warning: Could not update timestamps for skipped samples.
20:05:58.662: [obs-websocket] GetTransitionData: duration is negative !
20:05:58.717: User switched to scene 'Chat'
20:05:58.786: warning: Could not update timestamps for skipped samples.
20:06:00.954: [obs-websocket] GetTransitionData: duration is negative !
20:06:01.050: [obs-websocket] GetTransitionData: duration is negative !
20:07:39.033: warning: Could not update timestamps for discarded samples.
20:07:39.039: warning: Could not update timestamps for skipped samples.
20:07:47.593: obs-browser[3]: CONSOLE: Disconnected from socket (source: https://obs.streamelements.com/yoin...6f9cdb8626a7.bundle.js?bac64ea60043b2168c60:2)
20:07:47.601: WriteN, RTMP send error 10054 (303 bytes)
20:07:47.601: WriteN, RTMP send error 10054 (109 bytes)
20:07:47.602: WriteN, RTMP send error 10038 (42 bytes)
20:07:47.602: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Disconnected from rtmps://rtmp-api.facebook.com:443/rtmp/
20:07:47.602: Output 'adv_stream': stopping
20:07:47.602: Output 'adv_stream': Total frames output: 79402
20:07:47.602: Output 'adv_stream': Total drawn frames: 79366 (79443 attempted)
20:07:47.602: Output 'adv_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 77 (0.1%)
20:07:47.602: Output 'adv_stream': Reconnecting in 1 seconds..
20:07:47.688: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Disconnected from socket (source: https://obs.streamelements.com/yoin...ab1061829908.bundle.js?cc1d0c3f1a9ca5ff4a95:2)
20:07:47.690: obs-browser[1]: CONSOLE: Disconnected from socket (source: https://obs.streamelements.com/yoin...ab1061829908.bundle.js?cc1d0c3f1a9ca5ff4a95:2)
From that, it looks like your network connection is dropping. The scene switch preceding is almost definitely coincidental.

It COULD be your StreamElements browser sources, or the OBS.Live plugin which is known to cause issues as it replaces core functionality in OBS Studio with alternate versions. It is generally recommended NOT to use the OBS.Live plugin, as all the functionality in it is already included in base OBS Studio, but without the problems.
Thanks for the suggestion Tangential. I think that what you are referring to are my on screen alerts and goal feed which originate from Streamelements. These let everyone watching the stream know who Like/Followed etc as well as displaying any goal progress. I have been using these since I started streaming and haven't had this issue before so I never though about that. I think that Stramelements had an update recently so maybe they they broke something. I don't know of another way to get this data other than using Browse - any ideas?


Thanks for the suggestion Tangential. I think that what you are referring to are my on screen alerts and goal feed which originate from Streamelements. These let everyone watching the stream know who Like/Followed etc as well as displaying any goal progress. I have been using these since I started streaming and haven't had this issue before so I never though about that. I think that Stramelements had an update recently so maybe they they broke something. I don't know of another way to get this data other than using Browse - any ideas?

Is it possible to run them in real browse windows and window capture them? I capture my FB comment stream with a Window that I crop and apply a chroma filter to.
Thanks @FerretBomb . I'm not sure how OBS.Live got added but I do use TouchPortal to change scenes so I wonder if that adds it? The StreamElements browser sources provide the alerts feedback to viewers (Likes, Follows etc), do you know if there is another way to get this info? I have been using them since I started though and haven't had an issue before.

This has happened over 3 streams now 2 minutes after changing scenes so I don't think that it is an internet issue as that would be a big coincidence.
Thanks for the possible workaround @Tangential . It will take some setting up because of the different Browser base alerts that I have but I will think it through and try it out. I will re-create all of the sources. I have the StreamElements plugin running as it shows me Facebook alerts that Facebook forgets to tell you about but I will see if I can grab that from a browser window as well. I think I will have to create a custom web page with inline views of the alerts, chat, alerts etc. I will also try completely uninstalling OBS and starting again with a vanilla install.

Should keep me busy for a several days :(