Question / Help NEW MAC OBS SETUP bitrate / encoder / fps / reso - SMART but LOST girl ):


New Member
Greetings! Thanks in advance for your time! Essentially, I'm "new" to OBS and recently have been fortunate enough to switch to Macintosh, however I am pretty thoroughly self taught coming from a seemingly tech savvy family. / set of friends and of course endless helpful FORUMS. With that being said I have tended to feel as though I've almost absorbed too much info and now its all lost somewhere in an unorganized file in my brain.

Ive been struggling to get my streams to be steady HOWEVER I have yet to use the auto set up wizard so Ive attempted to play with the settings on my own almost to no avail until May 3rd longest steady stream I could get. Im not against the auto set wizard just prior to Mac my OBS streamed well.
Now, I have connected my HDMI to my Samsung smart curve tv as well as wireless keyboard which I can toggle between the tv and Mac (not sure if there's a difference being the USB for logitec keyboard is in the tv and blue toothed to MAC) but in other words I believe the canvas, base, and output resolutions may be having an effect on my bitrate or encoder overload and I'm unsure how to gauge these correctly!

I am also unable to currently to hardwire ethernet cord, I understand this is a more reliable option however I have a new MacBook and internet test claim I have a fast connection. I also prefer to use a VPN when I stream if that is helpful info at all.

I am generally looking for a fresh set / more educated set of eyes and brains to refer to my logs to ensure I'm getting my best possible stream and am more than open to all tips, tricks, suggestions and even criticism (:

also not really looking to record but not to say I won't in the future

May 5th Stream Unstable (Current Log)

Last / May 5th (same link as current if first one doesn't work)

Good / May 3rd


  • Mac Specs.png
    Mac Specs.png
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  • Test w VPN OFF.png
    Test w VPN OFF.png
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  • TEST w VPN ON.png
    TEST w VPN ON.png
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  • Additionl Mac Specs.jpg
    Additionl Mac Specs.jpg
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Looks like your May 3rd good stream was using a canvas of 1280x720 and output of 1280x720

your May 5th stream was using a 1920x1080 canvas then down-sampled to 1280x720

keep the canvas and output at 1280x720 and see what happens. where are you streaming to?


New Member
Looks like your May 3rd good stream was using a canvas of 1280x720 and output of 1280x720

your May 5th stream was using a 1920x1080 canvas then down-sampled to 1280x720

keep the canvas and output at 1280x720 and see what happens. where are you streaming to?

Thank you! I did in fact notice that as well. I appreciate your input on it for sure! I stream multiple places for multiple different businesses I believe this was a test run on the platform manycams or chaturbate!


Let me know if the canvas size was the issue. I know twitch does not like the apple hardware encoded video and could drop frames, thats why im asking.