Live Stream and Recording Stops


New Member
So, I use OBS to live stream church services but every time I push start live, it goes live for 2-3 minutes and than just STOPS! I am using Facebook Live and it connects and goes live for 2-3 minutes and than it just stops. It never says that frames are dropping but it keeps stopping. Not sure what to do. I have tried changing the settings and even connecting the Ethernet cord but it still doesn’t work.
what should I do???


New Member
Are you using copyrighted music in your stream? Others can chime in but i believe their servers could be detecting that and closing down the stream. Stick to non-copyrighted music when streaming would be my suggestion.


New Member
Are you using copyrighted music in your stream? Others can chime in but i believe their servers could be detecting that and closing down the stream. Stick to non-copyrighted music when streaming would be my suggestion.
I was,. I will take it out and see how it does.


New Member
So I took the music out and tried to stream but it still keeps stopping after 30 seconds. Why does it stop after 30 seconds


New Member
Is it ALWAYS exactly at 30 seconds that it drops your stream now? Or does it vary? Reason i ask is maybe thats a clue.

Mine drops X minutes into a show but i think its related to the known USB 2 bug on newer macs. I get static and then it drops me and i have to close/reopen OBS to restart the stream.
What happens if you cut out all the fancy stuff and just run Facbook Live off Chrome and one camera and one audio input from your church environment?

Also, what type of Internet connection does your church use: DSL, Cable, Fiber?
Could be your ISP cutting you off You could try a VPN
If upload bandwidth is a problem, then VPN will be even worse. DSL is lousey at upload like 1.2 Mbs if lucky, Cable is better usually like 4-8 Mbs and then async fiber is best. Also must be connected via wire direct - never wifi.