Is it possible to have 'click thru' backgrounds?


New Member
I want to do a presentation in front of a green screen, much like a television weather caster would do. With changeable backgrounds.

I'm wondering if there is any way to do this directly through OBS, and if not, what if I set up a separate source that would feed the clickable images from another source. (Such as a PC, etc.)

Thanks for any thoughts you can provide.


Unless I’m misunderstanding your ask, all you need to do is load each background that you want use as separate sources in your green screen scene. Then, just activate / deactivate each background as and when you want them to appear.


New Member
Unless I’m misunderstanding your ask, all you need to do is load each background that you want use as separate sources in your green screen scene. Then, just activate / deactivate each background as and when you want them to appear.
I believe that will work. I'm new to OBS and hadn't experimented with that option. Thanks.