Input lag when recording


Hi as the title says, I get input lag as soon as I open OBS. I have two monitors. My main is 240hz. 2nd is 60hz. I've tried minimizing everything on the second monitor when I game and there's no difference. I changed my NVCP scaling for both monitors to use GPU scaling which seemed to improve it a bit, but it's still there. It's very minor now, but I game a lot and can still just feel a tiny bit of lag that makes the game go from feeling perfect to just slightly off.

I have a RTX 3070 8gb. 16gb RAM. 1TB SSD. I play in native 1080p and have tried recording in both 720 and 1080p. The lowering the recording resolution and FPS don't seem to get rid of this tiny lag.

This sounds like an impossible fix, maybe I really just need a second PC if I want to have absolutely no lag, but that's not happening. If there's some type of software I could be recommended so I could just maybe see some stats to tell what's happening or if it's all in my head. I swear as soon as I turn off OBS I just start hitting so many more shots and movement feels better overall. Any time I'm recording it just feels off. And it's not placebo of recording because I usually forget I'm recording after like 20 minutes anyways. The games I play are primarily Apex Legends, Valorant, and MW3.

Anyways thanks for reading if any1 does. I'd greatly appreciate any help.