I seem to have a one of a kind issue.... =( Any thoughts? I do appreciate it!


New Member
Hello! I am new here and am very happy to have come across this forum! I hope everyone is having a beautiful morning! :D I have posted on reddit groups and have searched everywhere and it seems like nobody has this issue... I've been streaming Fortnite on twitch now for a few years and finally updated my camera to a Sony a6000 through a Elgato 4k camlink. Now all of a sudden my camera will pixelate when moving in game on stream! This has been going on for months and I have no clue how to fix it. The gameplay is fine but the camera itself is unwatchable! Sometimes you can't even tell if its me or my girl friend sitting there. I have a source for full screen with just the camera as a source and it looks amazing and crisp but as soon as I start moving in game just the camera will go to crap and the gameplay is smooth. No lag nothing! Just a camera that's really blurry during action. streaming at 1920p surprisingly runs the smoothest and gets far less blurry than at 900p or 720p... I don't get it! I use 6,000 bitrate and my internet speed is 800 mbps download and 300 upload direct connected. Any information would help out a ton! <3 Thanks again for taking a few moments to glance at this! I wanna link a clip or two but I don't want to get in trouble.

I tried to read through the logs but it's oh so confusing... lol
02-04-21 is 1600x900 stream
01-31-21 is 1920x1080 stream

I will get dropped frames when I swap from fortnite to another monitor with my game in fullscreen mode. I thought it was normal but figure I'd mention it. At this point it could be my pc or something besides OBS. I do apologize but I had to try.. I'm in over my head here! =p


  • 2021-02-04 18-25-32.txt
    646.3 KB · Views: 45
  • 2021-01-31 18-30-28.txt
    365.1 KB · Views: 29
Last edited:


Active Member
On-stream pixelation is always a result of not enough bitrate for the on-screen motion. Switching your camera isn't going to cause or alleviate this.
Face-cams are simply more likely to pixelate as they tend to have relatively low motion, especially placed against a high-motion backdrop like a competitive third or first person shooter, so the encoder thinks it's safe to assign less bits-per-pixel to the relatively unmoving region with the facecam in it.

If you are scaling the camera down in the preview, you can try right-clicking the camera source in the Sources list, go to Scale Filtering, and set it to Bicubic or Lanczos, which should look better than the default scaling method.
Isn't going to help with the bitrate-choke running 900-1080p60 on 6000kbps though. You simply need more bitrate, less framerate, a lower resolution, or a lower-motion game to play.

Both your logfiles show streams at 900p60.
Also, you've screwed up and set the Color Range to FULL in Settings->Advanced; OBS only ever streams in Partial (and is hard-coded to do so) which will get you color-shift problems. Set it back to Partial.
You can also switch to the 703 colorspace instead of 601, which may get you minimal color quality gains (but will not fix the full/partial screwup).

Note that downscaling will ALWAYS cause blur and quality loss. I'd advise doing a test-stream at 1080p30@6000kbps, which will hit the 0.1bpp quality reducing rate of returns depth. It may still not be sufficient for high-motion video, but it should be a much better quality videostream. 60fps is a luxury, and doubles the needed bitrate.
There's a HUGE difference between playing at 30 vs 60, but streaming? Not so much, other than number-chasing. Unless you're playing a retro-game where it can be needed to display the game properly.


New Member
On-stream pixelation is always a result of not enough bitrate for the on-screen motion. Switching your camera isn't going to cause or alleviate this.
Face-cams are simply more likely to pixelate as they tend to have relatively low motion, especially placed against a high-motion backdrop like a competitive third or first person shooter, so the encoder thinks it's safe to assign less bits-per-pixel to the relatively unmoving region with the facecam in it.

If you are scaling the camera down in the preview, you can try right-clicking the camera source in the Sources list, go to Scale Filtering, and set it to Bicubic or Lanczos, which should look better than the default scaling method.
Isn't going to help with the bitrate-choke running 900-1080p60 on 6000kbps though. You simply need more bitrate, less framerate, a lower resolution, or a lower-motion game to play.

Both your logfiles show streams at 900p60.
Also, you've screwed up and set the Color Range to FULL in Settings->Advanced; OBS only ever streams in Partial (and is hard-coded to do so) which will get you color-shift problems. Set it back to Partial.
You can also switch to the 703 colorspace instead of 601, which may get you minimal color quality gains (but will not fix the full/partial screwup).

Note that downscaling will ALWAYS cause blur and quality loss. I'd advise doing a test-stream at 1080p30@6000kbps, which will hit the 0.1bpp quality reducing rate of returns depth. It may still not be sufficient for high-motion video, but it should be a much better quality videostream. 60fps is a luxury, and doubles the needed bitrate.
There's a HUGE difference between playing at 30 vs 60, but streaming? Not so much, other than number-chasing. Unless you're playing a retro-game where it can be needed to display the game properly.
Thank you for taking the time to read through my issue! I’ll try the 1080p30 when I get a chance.. I’m desperate to try anything at this point I didn’t even realize I messed up the color settings either...