Error on close


New Member
Ok, I talked with someone about this before, but I feel it needs to be put here in order to get this problem in a fix for the next update (or to spawn the next update, lol).

My issue is when I close OBS it get an error

This is my Log File:

This is the Crash Report:

I have not changed anything since I originally Downloaded the first time on this PC (well, nothing that affects OBS).

I hope this can be fixed soon. It doesn't affect my streaming, nor recordings in the slightest, but the annoying crash when I close it... well kind of gets annoying, lol.


Active Member
The top of the log mentions the file at c:\program files\vstplugins\auburn sounds graillon 2-64.dll
Try disabling the VST 2.x Plug-in Graillon filter from your Audio Input Capture source.

Other stuff from your log:
Display and Game Capture Sources interfere with each other. Never put them in the same scene.
Run OBS as Admin.