Question / Help Can not stream / record using NVENC


New Member
I am installing OBS on a virtual machine in the cloud (Amazon Workspaces)
This is Windows Server 2016, with NVidia drivers installed.
NVidia control panel reports a GK520 card, with driver 370.41
Windows' Device Manager reports the same :
OBS version 25.0.1 64 bits

When selecting NVENC encoding, I am unable to start streaming / recording.
Logs says

17:09:23.276: Initializing D3D11...
17:09:23.276: Available Video Adapters:
17:09:23.278: Adapter 0: NVIDIA GRID K520
17:09:23.278: Dedicated VRAM: 4227661824
17:09:23.278: Shared VRAM: 3757891584
17:09:23.279: Driver Version:
17:09:23.279: output 0: pos={0, 0}, size={1440, 815}, attached=true, refresh=59, name=TERA DEFAULT
17:09:23.282: Loading up D3D11 on adapter NVIDIA GRID K520 (0)
17:09:23.312: D3D11 loaded successfully, feature level used: b000
17:09:23.313: DXGI increase maximum frame latency success
17:09:23.313: D3D11 GPU priority setup failed (not admin?)

16:59:33.284: [jim-nvenc] Current driver version does not support this NVENC version, please upgrade your driver
16:59:33.284: ---------------------------------
16:59:33.286: [NVENC encoder: 'simple_h264_recording'] settings:
16:59:33.286: rate_control: CQP
16:59:33.286: bitrate: 0
16:59:33.286: cqp: 14
16:59:33.286: keyint: 250
16:59:33.286: preset: hq
16:59:33.286: profile: high
16:59:33.286: width: 1280
16:59:33.286: height: 720
16:59:33.286: 2-pass: false
16:59:33.286: b-frames: 2
16:59:33.286: GPU: 0
16:59:33.293: [NVENC encoder: 'simple_h264_recording'] Failed to open NVENC codec: Function not implemented
16:59:36.510: ---------------------------------
16:59:36.510: [NVENC encoder: 'simple_h264_stream'] settings:
16:59:36.510: rate_control: CBR
16:59:36.510: bitrate: 3000
16:59:36.510: cqp: 0
16:59:36.510: keyint: 60
16:59:36.510: preset: hq
16:59:36.510: profile: high
16:59:36.510: width: 1280
16:59:36.510: height: 720
16:59:36.510: 2-pass: true
16:59:36.510: b-frames: 2
16:59:36.510: GPU: 0
16:59:36.513: [NVENC encoder: 'simple_h264_stream'] Failed to open NVENC codec: Function not implemented
16:59:36.513: Stream output type 'rtmp_output' failed to start!

As far as I know, I have the latest drivers. What else can I try ?



Active Member
This is actually the current release for this GPU. It doesn't support nvenc as required by OBS.
You can use x264 as encoder, you can try to change servers and find newer GPUs (the K520 is from 2013, quite dated), or you can try some older version of OBS that doesn't require quite so current drivers. I don't know which older OBS version this might be, so you need to check yourself. Using an older version of OBS has other negative implications, of course.
From a professional point of view I would say: "Nvenc is not supported for OBS on that hardware".