

This small application creates a bridge between OBS and a Mackie Control (or compatible) fader controller. It allows controlling the OBS audio channels through the hardware faders as well as executing OBS keyboard shortcuts via buttons on the control surface.

Most features of the OBS audio mixer are supported, including the ability to control the audio sync offset, the output tracks, the monitoring state and balance of the audio channels. It also displays the metering of the audio channels on the MCU.


The application runs standalone alongside of OBS, it connects via MIDI to the MCU controller and via websockets to OBS. It then allows controlling the OBS audio channels as well as trigger any mapped buttons in OBS.

The fact that it runs as a standalone app even on a Raspberry Pi allows you to control your OBS from anywhere using your MCU, simply by running the app on a headless Pi and connecting it to your MCU and Wifi.

Its written in golang so the executable has pretty much no external dependencies and can be run as is on any system.


Fader Section​

The Faders and the Mute buttons work as you'd expect, they basically mirror the audio mixer in OBS.

The VPots allow you to change the audio sync offset for the audio channel in 10ms increments, the LCD shows the current offset. Pressing the Pan button in the assign section switches the VPots to control the balance of the audio channel. Pressing the VPot button resets the offset or balance to 0.

The Solo buttons set the monitor mode for the channel to "monitor and output".

The Rec buttons set the monitor mode for the channel to "monitor only".

If neither Rec nor Solo are lit the monitor mode is "off".

The Select buttons allow you to select a channed to display its enabled tracks in the automation section.

The automation section (buttons Read -> Group) allows enabling the single output stream tracks for an audio source.

You can use the Channel/Bank buttons to see more channels in case you have more than 8 audio sources. The displays show the names of the channels, shortened to fit the MCU default length of 6 characters.

The rest of the fader section including the assign buttons are not mappable as they are kept free for future feature updates.


Almost all other buttons except the assign and automation buttons are freely assignable to any OBS keyboard shortcut through the config file (see below).

The standard mapping is as follows:

  • Play - Start stream
  • Stop - Stop stream
  • Rec - Start recording
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. v0.7.0 - System Tray

    obs-mcu now has a system tray icon to manage settings and the app status
  2. v0.6.0 - Meter Support

    v0.6.0 now supports displaying the meters, they have to be enabled via the config file.