Resolution problem on Twitch.


New Member
Resolution on Twitch.
I've been streaming on Twitch for over two years. Everything was great, good setup and configuration with two PCs. For a few days now I have noticed that the image quality has dropped drastically and today I realized that on Twitch I have the resolution at 720P when my OBS is configured at 1080P. I do multi stream on YouTube and Twitch and on YouTube I go to 1080P HD and on Twitch maximum to 720P.
I have tried absolutely everything I can get my hands on. Restarted configuration, changed various parameters ETC but there is no way. I have a maximum of 720P on Twitch and I have been an affiliate for two years. I have never had this problem before


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I don't understand how this can help with my problem since, as I say, OBS seems to be configured correctly.
On YouTube I am in live HD 1080P but not on Twitch because got max 720P.
I'm going to do it anyway. thanks for your anwer